Torrent, Lore Overview

This is a general overview for the LORE in the Torrent Universe, the link to the SETTING and CHARACTER overview can be found at the bottom of this page!


An "Etholeave" is a human/dragon hybrid, created through gene splicing and DNA manipulation, mostly human experimentation. Human children were taken from their parents, and infused with dragon DNA, in an attempt to create a sort of superhuman.
There are six different types of Etholeaves, each adjacent to a different element. Red, Yellow, Silver, White, Black, and Blue. On Torrent-III where a majority of the story takes place, Etholeaves are a minority, and no longer a large portion of the population.
The experiments were cruel and inhumane, not caring the type of harm that was inflicted to these children by cruel scientists. Etholeaves became a sort of invasive species when a few of them escaped containment, and they became very powerful very quickly, despite the human side trying desperately to curb their population.
This lead to a series of battles between them, eventually titled the 'Draconic Wars'

Draconic Wars

The Draconic Wars was a series of battles fought between human and Etholeave populations, some for territory, but mostly for human rights, and population management.
These wars were fought over 200 years, and fought on both Torrent-I-X, moving to Torrent-II-X upon it's destruction.
Eventually, the Etholeaves claimed victory over the humans, and the experiments regarding their creation were considered heinous and inhumane, leading to many of the surviving scientists to be executed following the wars end.


"Synthesias" are essentially the gods to the people in the Torrent system. They created the planets, the star Kava, and the Necrosa.
Lucious, god of light
Sandirelen, god of life
Paladeya, goddess of ice
Octavian, guardian of Paladeya, and god of time
Corsa, goddess of fire and war
Alaiya, goddess of water
Maude, goddess of planets
Atania, deity of nature
Bea, goddess of lightning
and Alias, deity of the air.
Lucious and Sandirelen created the worlds together, before forming the other eight synthesias to help them keep it under control. The synthesias do not directly interract with the people, but the people pray to them at altars, and celebrate them at certain times of the year, depending on what part of the planet they live on.


The next most powerful entities on the planet are Divines, a subset of species that includes really anything that is non-etholeave, but also non-human. This includes:
Vampires, elves, reapers, and Time spirits.
Reapers are.. what it sounds like, soul reapers. They visit people on their last legs, and peacefully escort them to the afterlife. Reapers aren't really born, rather they appear under the guidance of Sandirelen, and then serve for seven years. After those seven years, the reaper is given a choice to live as a "human" or to continue reaping souls. There are many reapers who chose to live as humans, such as Torvah Lambda.
Time spirits are directly under the Synthesias in the power hierarchy, and are their only voices to the people, they are a sort of prophet, however there is only one time spirit remaining, Sir Herophin.


Each Synthesia represents an individual element, and people who dedicate their worship to a singular synthesia can find themselves able to harness said element, mostly used for combat.
Ice and lightning are usually used to stun opponents, giving an opportunity for escape or striking.
Ground, water, wind, and nature are usually used to distract opponents, or to use the terrain/surroundings to the user's advantage.
Fire is used to directly harm opponents.
Life is used for healing.
Light is used to help navigating in dark or difficult terrain.

Characters and Setting